GOVERNMENT OF TELANGANA – Formation of New Districts, Revenue Divisions and
Mandals in Telangana State – Re-Distribution of Officers and Staff among
Districts – Guidelines Issued – Deemed provisional allotment orders issued
– Instructions on lien, seniority, promotions, etc., vide GENERAL ADMINISTRATION (SPF-MC) DEPARTMENT
G.O.MS.No. 381 Dated: 19-10-2016
Government hereby order that the employees deemed to be allotted
provisionally and the employees provisionally ordered to serve the new
districts, shall continue to be in their respective erstwhile district / zonal /
multi-zonal cadres localized under the Presidential Order, for the purposes
of their lien, seniority, promotions and other service matters, as the above
arrangement is purely temporary, made due to administrative exigencies, in
public interest.
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